How to Export GA3 Custom Variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on
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How to Export GA3 Custom Variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on

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As a Google Analytics enthusiast, you’re probably aware of the immense power of custom variables in GA3 (Google Analytics 3). These nifty little gems allow you to track and analyze specific user interactions, events, and behaviors on your website. But, have you ever wondered how to export those precious custom variables using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of exporting GA3 custom variables with ease.

What are GA3 Custom Variables?

Before we dive into the export process, let’s quickly review what GA3 custom variables are and why they’re so important. Custom variables are unique values you can assign to specific user interactions, events, or properties on your website. These variables can be used to track:

  • User demographics (age, gender, location)
  • Behavioral patterns (time spent on site, bounce rate, engagement metrics)
  • Conversion rates (form submissions, purchases, downloads)
  • Product or service interactions (item clicks, add-to-cart events)

By leveraging custom variables, you can gain a deeper understanding of your website visitors and tailor your marketing strategies to meet their specific needs.

Why Export GA3 Custom Variables?

So, why would you want to export GA3 custom variables in the first place? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  1. Data integration and analysis**: Exporting custom variables allows you to combine them with other data sources, such as CRM data, customer feedback, or social media metrics, for more comprehensive analysis and insights.
  2. Visualization and reporting**: By exporting custom variables, you can create custom reports, dashboards, and visualizations that better illustrate user behavior and performance metrics.
  3. Segmentation and targeting**: Exported custom variables enable you to segment your audience based on specific behaviors or characteristics, allowing for more targeted marketing campaigns and improved user experiences.

Setting Up the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on

Before we dive into the export process, make sure you have the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on installed and set up in your Google Sheets account. If you haven’t already, follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Sheets and navigate to the Add-ons menu.
  2. Search for “Google Analytics” and click the “Install” button.
  3. Follow the prompts to authorize the add-on and connect your Google Analytics account.
  4. Grant the necessary permissions and authenticate the add-on.

Exporting GA3 Custom Variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on

Now, let’s get to the main event! To export GA3 custom variables using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Authenticate Your Google Analytics Account

In your Google Sheet, navigate to the “Add-ons” menu and select “Google Analytics.”

=GOOGLEANALYTICS("", "UA-XXXXX-X", "customVariables")

Replace the example URL and tracking ID with your own. This formula will authenticate your Google Analytics account and retrieve the custom variables for the specified property.

Step 2: Retrieve the Custom Variable IDs

In a new cell, enter the following formula to retrieve the custom variable IDs:


This formula will return a list of custom variable IDs in the format “dimension,” where is the custom variable number (e.g., dimension1, dimension2, etc.).

Step 3: Export the Custom Variable Data

Using the custom variable IDs, create a new formula to export the corresponding data:

  {"metrics": "ga:sessions,ga:bounceRate", 
   "start-date": "30daysAgo", 
   "end-date": "today"})

Replace the example URL and tracking ID with your own. Customize the metrics, start-date, and end-date parameters to match your specific requirements.

Step 4: Format and Customize the Exported Data

Once the data is exported, you can format and customize it to your liking using various Google Sheets functions and formulas. For example, you can:

  • Use the `FILTER` function to segment the data based on specific conditions.
  • Apply the `PIVOTTABLE` function to create interactive, dynamic reports.
  • Use `VLOOKUP` or `INDEX-MATCH` to combine the custom variable data with other data sources.

Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

When working with GA3 custom variables and the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on, keep the following tips and best practices in mind:

  • Use meaningful variable names**: Choose descriptive names for your custom variables to ensure easy identification and analysis.
  • Maintain consistent naming conventions**: Establish a consistent naming convention for your custom variables to avoid confusion and errors.
  • Test and validate your data**: Regularly test and validate your custom variable data to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Keep your add-on up-to-date**: Regularly check for updates to the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.


Exporting GA3 custom variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on is a powerful way to unlock deeper insights into your website visitors’ behavior and preferences. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging custom variables to inform your marketing strategies, improve user experiences, and drive business growth.

Remember to stay creative, experiment with different custom variable combinations, and continually refine your analysis to uncover new opportunities and optimizations. Happy analyzing!

GA3 Custom Variable Description Example
dimension1 User demographics (age) 18-24, 25-34, 35-44
dimension2 Behavioral pattern (time spent on site) 0-10 seconds, 11-30 seconds, 31-60 seconds
dimension3 Conversion rate (form submissions) Yes, No

Additional Resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the power of Google Analytics custom variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on! But first, let’s tackle some common questions that might be holding you back…

What are GA3 custom variables, and why do I need to export them?

GA3 custom variables are custom dimensions and metrics that you can create in Google Analytics to track specific data points that are unique to your business. Exporting them using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on allows you to analyze and report on this custom data in a more flexible and customizable way, unlocking deeper insights and better decision-making.

What are the benefits of using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on to export GA3 custom variables?

The Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on makes it easy to export GA3 custom variables directly into Google Sheets, where you can analyze, visualize, and share the data more easily. It also allows for automated reporting, saving you time and effort, and enables you to combine custom variables with other data sources for more comprehensive analysis.

How do I set up the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on to export GA3 custom variables?

To set up the add-on, first install it from the Google Workspace Marketplace, then authorize it to access your Google Analytics account. Next, select the custom variables you want to export, choose the metric and dimension combinations, and set up the report settings. Finally, run the report, and the add-on will automatically export the data into a Google Sheet.

Can I customize the export settings for my GA3 custom variables using the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on?

Yes, you can customize the export settings to fit your specific needs. The add-on allows you to select the specific custom variables, metrics, and dimensions you want to export, as well as set the report granularity, date range, and segment filtering. You can also use the add-on’s built-in formulas and functions to further manipulate and transform the data.

What are some common use cases for exporting GA3 custom variables with the Google Analytics Spreadsheet Add-on?

Some common use cases include tracking custom events, monitoring user engagement, analyzing customer journey metrics, and measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. You can also use the exported data to create custom dashboards, automate reporting, and integrate with other data sources for more comprehensive analysis.

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