Mastering Conan: Installing Shared Objects (.so) with Ease
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Mastering Conan: Installing Shared Objects (.so) with Ease

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As a developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustration of dealing with shared objects (.so) in your Linux-based projects. Specifically, you might be wondering why your shared object, currently residing in the src/business/task-manager directory, refuses to relocate to the standard /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu location, unlike its peers. Fear not, dear reader! This article will guide you through the process of installing shared objects using Conan, the popular package manager, and demystify the secrets of .so file management.

Understanding Shared Objects and Conan

Before diving into the installation process, it’s essential to understand the role of shared objects and how Conan fits into the picture.

A shared object is a compiled library that contains machine code and data that can be shared by multiple programs. These objects are typically stored in the /lib or /usr/lib directories, making them accessible to all applications. In your case, the shared object in src/business/task-manager needs to be installed in the correct location to be usable by your application.

Conan, a Python-based package manager, simplifies the process of installing and managing dependencies for C and C++ projects. It provides a flexible and efficient way to handle complex dependencies, including shared objects.

Preparing Your Conan Environment

Before installing your shared object, ensure you have Conan installed on your system. If you haven’t already, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal and run pip install conan to install Conan using pip.
  2. Create a new Conan project by running conan new myproject, replacing “myproject” with your desired project name.
  3. Navigate to the project directory using cd myproject.

Creating a Conan Recipe for Your Shared Object

A Conan recipe is a Python script that defines the package’s build and installation process. To create a recipe for your shared object, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file called in the myproject directory.
  2. Add the following code to the file:
    from import CMake
    from conans import ConanFile, tools
    class TaskManagerPackage(ConanFile):
        name = "task-manager"
        version = "1.0"
        description = "Task Manager Shared Object"
        homepage = ""
        def build(self):
            cmake = CMake(self)
            cmake.cmake_minimum_required = "3.10"
        def package(self):
            self.copy("*.so", dst="lib", src="src/business/task-manager")

This recipe defines a package called “task-manager” with a version number and description. The build method uses CMake to compile the shared object, while the package method copies the resulting .so file to the lib directory.

Installing the Shared Object with Conan

With your recipe in place, it’s time to install the shared object using Conan. Run the following command in your terminal:

conan create . task-manager/1.0@user/channel

This command builds and packages the task-manager shared object, making it available for installation.

Specifying the Installation Directory

By default, Conan installs packages in the ~/.conan/data directory. To install the shared object in the standard /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu location, you need to specify the installation directory manually.

Modify the recipe to include the following code:

def package_info(self):
    self.cpp_info.libdirs = ["lib/x86-64-linux-gnu"]

This code tells Conan to install the shared object in the /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu directory.

Installing the Shared Object in the Correct Location

With the modified recipe in place, run the following command to install the shared object:

conan install task-manager/1.0@user/channel --install-dir=/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu

This command installs the task-manager shared object in the specified directory, making it accessible to your application.

Verifying the Installation

To ensure the shared object has been installed correctly, navigate to the /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu directory and verify that the file exists:

ls /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu | grep

If the file is present, you’ve successfully installed the shared object using Conan!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the installation process, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

  • Shared object not found**: Ensure that the src/business/task-manager directory contains the compiled shared object and that the recipe is correctly configured to copy the file.
  • Permission issues**: Run the installation command with sudo privileges to overcome permission issues:sudo conan install task-manager/1.0@user/channel –install-dir=/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu
  • Conan configuration issues**: Verify that your Conan configuration is correct by checking the ~/.conan/config file or running conan config to view the current configuration.


In this article, we’ve covered the process of installing a shared object (.so) using Conan, from creating a recipe to specifying the installation directory. By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to successfully install your shared object in the correct location. Remember to adapt this process to your specific use case, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the Conan community if you encounter any difficulties.

Keyword Description
Install Installing a shared object using Conan
Conan A package manager for C and C++ projects
Shared Object A compiled library containing machine code and data
Recipe A Python script defining the package’s build and installation process
Installation Directory The location where the shared object is installed (e.g., /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu)

By mastering the art of installing shared objects with Conan, you’ll be well on your way to streamlining your development workflow and tackling complex dependencies with ease.

Here are 5 questions and answers about installing a shared object (.so) with Conan:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about installing shared objects with Conan!

Why is my shared object (.so) being installed in src/business/task-manager instead of /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu like others?

By default, Conan installs packages in the src directory of the project. To change this behavior, you need to specify the installation directory using the `-install-dir` or `-id` option when running the `conan install` command. For example, `conan install . -id /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu`. This will install the package in the specified directory.

How do I specify the installation directory for my shared object (.so) with Conan?

You can specify the installation directory using the `-install-dir` or `-id` option when running the `conan install` command. For example, `conan install . -id /lib/x86-64-linux-gnu`. Alternatively, you can also specify the installation directory in the `` using the `self.install_folder` attribute.

Can I install my shared object (.so) in a different directory for different platforms with Conan?

Yes, you can install your shared object (.so) in different directories for different platforms with Conan. You can use the `self.install_folder` attribute in the `` and specify different installation directories based on the platform. For example, `self.install_folder = ‘/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu’ if self.settings.os == ‘Linux’ else ‘/usr/lib’ if self.settings.os == ‘Windows’ else ‘/usr/local/lib’`. This will install the package in different directories based on the platform.

Do I need to specify the installation directory every time I run the conan install command?

No, you don’t need to specify the installation directory every time you run the `conan install` command. You can specify the installation directory in the `` using the `self.install_folder` attribute. This way, the installation directory will be used by default when running the `conan install` command.

Will specifying a custom installation directory affect the behavior of my shared object (.so) with Conan?

No, specifying a custom installation directory will not affect the behavior of your shared object (.so) with Conan. The installation directory only affects where the package is installed, not how it behaves. The package will still be usable and functional regardless of the installation directory.

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