Pyspark Dataframe Write CSV: Mastering the Art of Creating Folders and Files
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Pyspark Dataframe Write CSV: Mastering the Art of Creating Folders and Files

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Working with PySpark DataFrames can be a breeze, but when it comes to writing them to CSV files, things can get a little tricky. One common issue that sparks confusion is the creation of a `$folder$` object when using the `write.csv` method. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PySpark DataFrames and explore the wonders of writing CSV files, with a special focus on that mysterious `$folder$` object.

What is a PySpark DataFrame?

Before we dive into the world of writing CSV files, let’s take a step back and understand what a PySpark DataFrame is. A PySpark DataFrame is a type of data structure in PySpark that represents a distributed collection of data organized into rows and columns, similar to a pandas DataFrame in Python. DataFrames are a fundamental concept in PySpark, and they provide an efficient way to manipulate and analyze large datasets.

Why Write CSV Files?

So, why do we need to write CSV files from PySpark DataFrames? CSV files are a universal format that can be easily read and imported into various tools and applications, such as Excel, pandas, and R. Writing CSV files from PySpark DataFrames allows us to:

  • Store and persist data for future use
  • Share data with others who may not have access to PySpark
  • Use CSV files as input for other tools and applications

The Mysterious `$folder$` Object

Now, let’s talk about the `$folder$` object. When you use the `write.csv` method to write a PySpark DataFrame to a CSV file, PySpark creates a directory with the same name as the specified file path, but with a `$folder$` suffix. For example, if you write a DataFrame to a file named `data.csv`, PySpark will create a directory named `data.csv$folder$`. But what is this `$folder$` object, and why does PySpark create it?

The `$folder$` object is an internal directory created by PySpark to store metadata about the CSV file, such as the schema, partitioning, and compression information. This metadata is essential for reading and processing the CSV file efficiently. When you write a DataFrame to a CSV file, PySpark splits the data into multiple files and stores them in the `$folder$` directory. Each file represents a partition of the data, and the metadata in the `$folder$` directory helps PySpark to reconstruct the original DataFrame when reading the CSV file.

Understanding the `$folder$` Object Structure

The `$folder$` object has a specific structure that’s worth exploring. Here’s an example of what the `$folder$` directory might look like:

|-- part-00000.csv.gz
|-- part-00001.csv.gz
|-- part-00002.csv.gz
|-- _metadata
    |-- schema.json
    |-- partition.json

The `$folder$` directory contains the following files and directories:

  • `_SUCCESS`: an empty file indicating that the write operation was successful
  • `part-xxxxx.csv.gz`: compressed CSV files containing the data partitions
  • `_metadata`: a directory containing metadata files
  • `schema.json`: a JSON file describing the schema of the DataFrame
  • `partition.json`: a JSON file describing the partitioning scheme used

Writing CSV Files with PySpark

Now that we understand the `$folder$` object, let’s dive into the world of writing CSV files with PySpark. Here’s an example code snippet that writes a PySpark DataFrame to a CSV file:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Write CSV").getOrCreate()

# create a sample DataFrame
data = [("John", 25, "USA"), ("Mary", 31, "Canada"), ("David", 28, "UK")]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["Name", "Age", "Country"])

# write the DataFrame to a CSV file
df.write.csv("data.csv", header=True)

In this example, we create a PySpark DataFrame `df` with three columns: `Name`, `Age`, and `Country`. We then use the `write.csv` method to write the DataFrame to a file named `data.csv`. The `header=True` parameter specifies that we want to include the column names in the CSV file.

Configuring the Write Operation

The `write.csv` method accepts several options that allow you to customize the write operation. Here are some common options:

Option Description
header Includes the column names in the CSV file
sep Sets the separator character (default is ,)
quote Sets the quote character (default is “)
escape Sets the escape character (default is \)
compression Sets the compression format (e.g., gzip, lz4)

For example, to write a CSV file with a semicolon separator and gzip compression, you can use the following code:

df.write.csv("data.csv", header=True, sep=";", compression="gzip")

Reading CSV Files with PySpark

Now that we’ve written a CSV file, let’s see how we can read it back into a PySpark DataFrame. Reading a CSV file is a straightforward process using the `read.csv` method:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Read CSV").getOrCreate()

# read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df ="data.csv", header=True)

# display the DataFrame

In this example, we use the `read.csv` method to read the `data.csv` file into a PySpark DataFrame. The `header=True` parameter specifies that the first row of the CSV file contains column names.

Configuring the Read Operation

The `read.csv` method also accepts several options that allow you to customize the read operation. Here are some common options:

Option Description
header Specifies that the first row contains column names
sep Sets the separator character (default is ,)
quote Sets the quote character (default is “)
escape Sets the escape character (default is \)
inferSchema Infers the schema from the CSV file (default is False)

For example, to read a CSV file with a semicolon separator and infer the schema, you can use the following code:

df ="data.csv", header=True, sep=";", inferSchema=True)


In this article, we’ve explored the world of PySpark DataFrames and the mysterious `$folder$` object. We’ve learned how to write CSV files from PySpark DataFrames, configure the write operation, and read CSV files back into PySpark DataFrames. With this knowledge, you’re now equipped to work with CSV files in PySpark like a pro!

Remember, the `$folder$` object is an internal directory created by PySpark to store metadata about the CSV file. By understanding its structure and purpose, you can better work with CSV files in PySpark and avoid common pitfalls.

Final Tips

Here are some final tips to keep in mind when working with PySpark DataFrames and CSV files:

  • Always specify the `header=True` parameter when writing CSV files to include column names.
  • Use the `sep` parameter to specify a separator character that’s not present in your data.
  • Consider using compression to reduce the size of your CSV files.
  • When reading CSV files, use the `inferSchema=True` parameter to automatically detect the schema.

With these tips and the knowledge gained from this article, you’re ready to tackle even the most complex CSV file operations in PySpark!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your burning questions about PySpark DataFrame writing to CSV and that mysterious `$folder$` object!

What is the `$folder$` object when writing a PySpark DataFrame to CSV?

The `$folder$` object is a generated folder name created by PySpark when writing a DataFrame to CSV. It’s a temporary directory used for storing intermediate files during the writing process. Don’t worry, it’s not a permanent fixture – it’ll be deleted once the write operation is complete!

Why does PySpark create the `$folder$` object when writing to CSV?

PySpark creates the `$folder$` object to ensure that the write operation is atomic and fault-tolerant. By writing to a temporary directory, PySpark can recover from failures or interruptions during the write process. Once the write is complete, the files are moved to the final destination, and the `$folder$` object is deleted.

Can I disable the creation of the `$folder$` object when writing to CSV?

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward way to disable the creation of the `$folder$` object. However, you can use the `replication` option when writing to CSV, which can help reduce the number of temporary files generated. For example: `df.write.options(“replication”=1).csv(“my_output.csv”)`. Keep in mind that this might impact performance and fault-tolerance.

Will the `$folder$` object be deleted automatically?

Yes, the `$folder$` object is automatically deleted by PySpark once the write operation is complete. You don’t need to manually remove it. However, if you’re using a distributed file system like HDFS, the deletion might not be immediate due to file system latency.

Can I use the `$folder$` object for anything else?

No, the `$folder$` object is a temporary directory generated by PySpark and is not intended for reuse or manipulation. It’s best to ignore it and let PySpark handle the write operation. Don’t try to use the `$folder$` object for storing files or data, as it might get deleted unexpectedly!

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